These last two weeks have been insane! Between all the power outages, school starting, Wesley having a stomach bug, and Kris having a sinus infection, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I have been wanting to post for quite a few days but have not had solid internet to do so! I guess I am going to have to save my Monday Made It for next week!
School started on the 1st of August. I have twelve awesome students. Five Korean, two Indian, four American, and one Dutch. They are a very enthusiastic group of kids and I look forward to watching them learn and grow.
Here are a few snapshots of my classroom :)
This year I did forest theme! :) I love how it turned out!
Calendar! :) |
Classroom Jobs |
Classroom Management Plan. Each students has a computer that says "Ready to Learn." If they are making good decisions they get a green computer screen that says "Making Excellent Choices." If they are making bad decisions they get a red computer screen that says "Need to Make Better Choices." |
Task Cards! Most of them are from Rachel Lynette of course! :) I saw the idea of putting them into over the door shoe holder on pinterest. It works wonderfully in my tiny room! :) |
This year I have one computer for listening to reading! HURRAY! I am so excited about it. The kids really enjoy being able to sit at the computer too. |
My CAFE wall for Daily 5 |
I put each of my student's name on a little pocket! |
Stationary supplies organized and ready to be put to use. |
Classroom Store |
Classroom Rules (Sorry it is so blurry. Bad lightening in my room and cheap camera!) |
Tiny Sterilite container for my tacks, paper clips, and safety pins! |
More photos to come. It took an hour to upload these! *heavy sigh*
I must head off to bed now.
Blessings! :)

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